William edwin Whitton birth registration 1864
1871 Census Kirkby Fleetham
1881 Census London
1891 Census Liverpool
1901 Census West Derby
William Whitton departure for Australia 1907
William Whitton arrival Australia 1907
William Whitton in outback
William Edwin Whitton
William Whitton and Grace Bailey marriage registration 1924
Whitton Bailey marriage certificate 1924
Phyllis and William Whitton at Walhollow Station
Phyllis and Norman with their father abt 1931
Phyllis, William and Norman Whitton
Whitton Jenkins marriage certificate 1935
William Whitton and Queenie Jenkins marriage registration p1 1935
William Whitton and Queenie Jenkins marriage registration p2 1935
William and Queenie Whitton abt 1936
William Whitton death registration 1937
William Whitton death notice 1937
William Whitton funeral notice 1937
Willaim and Grace Whitton grave Rookwood cemetery